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amortisation Definition

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Words Related to amortisation!

amortization, depreciation, cca, repayment, allowance, reserve, redemption, payback, damping, cushioning, dampening, write-down, write-off, intangible asset, accrual, receivable, expense, unearned income, derivative instrument, amort, impairment, capitalisation, imputed interest, operating loss, other income, fixed assets, unearned premium, net assets, operating expenses, interest expense, capital assets, current assets, meur, unearned revenue, cost of goods sold, other assets, equity capital, gross profit, fixed asset, controlling interest, accrued expenses, cost of sales, net loss, afs, note receivable, net income, swedish krona, current liabilities, notes receivable, accrued interest, accounting change, discontinued operation, treasury stock, dividends payable, working capital, operating costs, gross profit margin, net asset value, koz, curr, deferred revenue, contribution margin, funded debt, accelerated depreciation, eleni, operating expense, book value, net operating income, costa rican colon, accretion, payables, financial year, sepon, preferred shares, retained earnings, capital employed, extinguishment, prorata, net sales, finished goods, capital stock, variable interest rate, finalisation, security deposit, net revenue, total capitalization, dkk, landsat, convertible preferred stock, liabilities, maximisation, marketable securities, accounts receivable financing, leucoxene, financial statement, market capitalisation, undivided interest, rationalization, synthetic fuel, purchase order,

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